My Paris Touch to Help Expats in France during the Best and Worst of Times

Whether you're new to Paris or are dealing with new challenges, this French woman can help you make the city feel like home.

A Special Look “In the City” of Paris with Photographer Alexis Duclos

Discover another side of Paris with award-winning French photographer Alexis Duclos with his new collection of images from "In the City".

Why Parisian Women Don’t Get Fat Over Christmas

Our favorite no-nonsense nutritionist considers why Parisian women don't get fat over the holidays, and offers helpful advice on how to follow in their footsteps.

The Motherhood Diaries: Turning Worry About Education into Productive Thinking

Our Motherhood Diarist explores the way parents can turn worry about education issues into productive thinking for the future.

Hopways Rolls Out Mom-Approved Taxi Service for Kids in Paris

HOPWAYS, a community car pool service created by three Paris moms, has just announced they have secured a community taxi service to drive your children to and from school and activities when parents are too busy or unable to drive.


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Career Advice for Teens: Perspectives on “La Situation”

Coach Jane Mobille offers career advice for teens (and their parents) on how to pursue a path that is both financially stable and personally fulfilling.

FUSAC Packs 28 Years of Paris Know How into Books for Expats

Many of us at INSPIRELLE can remember picking up our copy of FUSAC at one of the English speaking libraries and shops in Paris. Now at 28, the first magazine for expats in Paris makes a move into book publishing.

A Spiritual Quest for Meaning in Life

What does it mean to be "spiritual"? For the past 30 years, I was and am searching for transcendence, multidimensionality, whatever you want to call it: to have an answer to that eternal question : ”is that all there is?” and if not, then, what else is there?

Ken’s Basic Macaroni Salad Recipe

Here's a simple recipe you can whip up quickly for a barbeque or al fresco dinner party and leave guests asking for more.


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