The Queen is Gone: What do Brits in France Have to Look Forward to?

A British expat in Paris reflects on the legacy of Queen Elizabeth II and how her death will change Britain.

Healthy Tomato and Chickpea Salad

This colorful, quick and easy crowd-pleasing salad is sure to become a favorite in your household.

Bacon and Green Bean Bundles in Brown Sugar Glaze

Everyone will love these delicious green bean bundles wrapped in smoky bacon and topped with a buttery brown sugar glaze.

Parisian Parenting in the Digital Age

E-safety consultant Elizabeth Milovidov shares her tips and tricks on keeping Parisian kids safe and parents sane in the digital age.

How and Where to Find a Date in the City of Romance

Paris is known as the City of Romance, but is love really around every corner? Chloe Martin shares her take on the cultural differences of dating in Paris and the latest hotspots where you just might meet Mister Right.


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Hopways: Safe Ride Sharing for Busy Kids in and around Paris

Struggling to keep up with your family's hectic schedule? For reliable, flexible and kid-friendly transportation in and around Paris, it's Hopways to the rescue!

Online Dating Sites Where You Find Your Match

Online dating sites and apps are more popular than ever, but how does one choose from the many out there? Co-authors of an upcoming book on e-dating, Lindsay Gordon and Laura-Jane Wareing, share their list of recommendations to start with.

6 Egg-cellent Ways to Spend Easter in and Around Paris

Spending Easter in Paris? For a twist on the traditional egg hunt (chasse aux oeufs), why not get out to explore some of the spectacular museums, gardens and parks in and around Paris? Here are some of INSPIRELLE's top picks to ensure you have an eggs-ellent weekend:

Unspoiled Taste of France Lingers Wherever I Go

After studying French on the Cote d'Azur, a Canadian finds herself craving a taste of the Gallic food, language and lifestyle she fell in love with.


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