What Is Self-Esteem Exactly and How Is It Affecting Your Relationships?
A love coach in Paris recommends a healthy dose of self-esteem to find healthy satisfaction that comes from within.
Falling for You: Three Myths About Falling in Love in the City of Love
A love coach in Paris busts some myths about falling in love for those seeking confidence, security and meaningful relationships.
Weary of Bad News? Lean into Love to Face 2025
A writer offers ways to face 2025 with a positive attitude that can help deal the litany of bad news unfolding all around us.
Why France is the Perfect Place for a Fresh New Start
A relationship & recovery coach shares her story and explains how France is the perfect place to make a fresh new start.
Grandma Knows Best on Whether the French are Rude
An American writer with a deep knowledge of France counters the belief that the French are rude with lessons learned from her Grandmother.
Tips on Searching for Love with a Frenchie
With Valentine's Day around the corner, a romance author gives her tips on finding love with a Frenchie in the romance capital of the world.
Dinner for One in Paris: When Exhilarating Love Becomes Excruciating Pain
A New-Yorker moves to Paris for love, but when the fairytale romance falls apart, she saves herself by making dinner for one.
The French Bachelor as Seen Through his Dating App Profile
Our favorite seasoned expat in Paris shares her astute observations on how to recognize the real French man behind those dating apps.
Femme d’un Certain Age Looks for Love in Paris
An American expat gives you the wisdom of her recent experience online dating and how to search for that rare pearl in a sea of possibilities.
Paris and Me: We are Both a Glorious Mess
Why is Paris the perfect getaway for women of a certain age? An American divorcee explains how she and Paris are the perfect match.