Health & Medical - Children

Health & Medical - Children

60 Avenue d'Iéna, 75116 Paris, France

Metro: Kléber (line 6), Iéna (line 9)

A welcoming sister team, both trained in the USA, practising pediatric dentistry. Office includes a large waiting area with toys, computer games and books. Every child leaves with a toothbrush and a small gift!

11 Rue Bosio, 75016 Paris, France

Metro: Jasmin (line 9), Michel-Ange Auteuil (lines 9 and 10)

A British-born and educated clinical psychologist working with adults, children and families, with a particular interest in the autistic spectrum.

Member of SPRINT France, a non-profit group of English-speaking and bilingual professionals who work with children of all ages with special needs.

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