Metro: Vavin (line 4)
Founded in 1973 as an international, non-partisan association with members in 46 countries. Advocates on vital topics that affect overseas Americans such as: taxation, absentee voting, citizenship, representation, Social Security, and Medicare.

Alannah is passionate about demystifying the world of website creation. She runs workshops to show ordinary, not especially technical people how they can create their own website or blog. Her books are available on Amazon (her latest, Create Your Own Website The Easy Way, will be out in Spring 2016) and you can visit her website at http://www.alannahmoore.com.

Metro: Alma-Marceau (line 9)
The largest English-language lending library on the European continent, the ALP is more than just a library. It hosts popular evenings with authors and singers, organizes reading groups for toddlers, children and adults as well as offers writing workshops for teenagers. The super friendly staff serves more than 2,500 members from more than 60 different countries.