Metro: Kléber (line 2)
An orthodontist who studied at Tuft’s University to help you and your family straighten their teeth or jaws with braces.

Who doesn’t like to bowl? There are several bowling alleys in Paris for great family fun, from the Bowling Mouffetard to Bowling Foch near the Champs Elysées, or the child-friendly lanes at Front de Seine in the 15th arrondissement which has lightweight balls for little ones 5 years and up.
Bowling is a great birthday party option as well. Check the lanes nearest you for their party packages.
Bowling Mouffetard: 73 Rue Mouffetard, 75005 Paris
Tel: +33 (0)1 43 31 09 35
Bowling Foch: 2 Avenue Foch, 75016 Paris
Tel: +33 (0)1 45 00 00 13
Front de Seine: 44 Rue Emeriau, 75015 Paris
Tel:+33 (0)1 45 75 35 37
Bowling de Champerret: 2 Rue du Caporal Peugeot, 75017 Paris
Tel: + 33 (0)1 43 80 24 64

Metro: Charles de Gaulle Étoile (lines 1,2, and 6, RER A)
Open daily 24 hours. International team of multilingual pharmacists located in Publicis building next to the Arc du Triomphe. All their staff speak English.

Metro: Kléber (line 6), Iéna (line 9)
A welcoming sister team, both trained in the USA, practising pediatric dentistry. Office includes a large waiting area with toys, computer games and books. Every child leaves with a toothbrush and a small gift!