TEDx Paris Event: Breaking Beyond Your Limits

TEDx Paris Event: Breaking Beyond Your Limits

Théâtre de la Madeleine, May 21, 2016

paris event

Are you a TED talk fan like many of us at INSPIRELLE?

If out-of-the-box, inspiring talks is your jam, you are in for a treat. Paris is hosting a TEDxIHEParis event, all in English, on May 21, 2016. It’s a full afternoon event with a line-up of excellent influential speakers and an evening networking party.

There are limited tickets left, but INSPIRELLE contributor Rita Golstein-Galperin (founder of Expat Renaissance, and one of the organizers of the TEDxIHEParis event) is offering a special deal to our readers so they can attend this popular talk presentation.


The Theme:

This year’s TEDxIHEParis is devoted to Breaking Beyond Your Limits. This international and multicultural event is a local Parisian initiative and part of the general movement of TED talks designed to inspire, motivate and spark change. INSPIRELLE is all for encouraging people to reach their potential!

The Speakers:

There will be nine hand-picked speakers addressing a captivated audience on May 21, 2016. Every single one of them has an amazing story, concept or idea to talk about – from cultural differences to education systems, from being highly sensitive to scientific creations, from the refugee crisis to overcoming disabilities… So, get ready to be inspired!

  • Andre Brugirous: Is peace possible?
  • Ana Saldarriaga: The power of authenticity
  • Ramin Farhangi: Transforming Schools into Democratic Communities
  • Anna Katrina Davey: Cultural competence as a Paradigm for Peace
  • Jacquelyn Quinones: Is technology killing our empathy?
  • Dana Jurisic: Raising a nation without a flag?
  • Elena Herdieckerchoff: The gentle power of Highly Sensitive People
  • Samuel N. Bernier: The Rise of the Designer-Maker
  • Jothy Rosenberg: Who says I can’t

For more info on the speakers: http://www.tedxiheparis.fr/speakers/

Want to Attend?

Where: Théâtre de la Madeleine, 19 Rue de Surène, 75008 Paris.
When: May 21, 2016, 1:00pm – 7:00pm conference, followed by networking party at 8:00pm

Reader Deal: Get a Discount on TEDx Paris Tickets!

logoINSPIRELLE readers can get a special discount on the TEDxIHEParis event!

Tickets for TEDxIHEParis: 20€ INSPIRELLE price (regular price: 35€)

Book your tickets online: http://www.tedxiheparis.fr/book-your-tickets/
(don’t forget to enter May2016 code to apply discount)



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