The Simplest Sweet Potato Side Dish

The Simplest Sweet Potato Side Dish

sweet potatoes
© handmadepictures/

Baked sweet potatoes are a great side dish to turkey or any roast bird. Plus the dark orange color brightens any plate with the greens.


  • 4 sweet potatoes
  • Butter
  • Brown sugar or maple syrup
  • Chopped parsley (optional)

(Serves 4-8 persons depending on size)


Pre-heat oven to 375° F or 200° C.

Peel potato skins, trim ends and cut into one-centimeter slices.

Place in a cooking casserole, cover with water and bring to a boil. Cook 2-3 minutes to boil potatoes so it is easier and faster to cook. Remove from water and drain.

In a frying pan, melt 2-3 tablespoons of butter over medium heat and add cooked slices of sweet potatoes. Sprinkle brown sugar evenly over potatoes and mix well. Or use maple syrup if preferred.

Remove from heat. Place sweet potato rounds on baking sheet and dab each with a bit of butter. Place in oven until cooked through for about 20-25 minutes. Pierce with a fork to see if it is done. Fork should slide through.

You can prepare this side dish in advance and just heat it up by placing under broiler for a couple of minutes. Transfer to serving tray and garnish with chopped parsley for color.

ALSO READ: 9 Recipes for the Perfect, Festive, Dinner Menu for other recipes that go perfectly with this side dish



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